1·An innovative method of dynamic speckle is proposed to investigate the drying process of magnetic fluid film (MFF).
2·We bring to children an innovative method of creative learning with LEGO bricks and PICO developed MIT Media Laboratory.
3·This paper introduces an innovative method of CNC lathe accuracy measuring, by the combined use of PC and optical-grid reading.
4·A founder of the Moscow Art Theater, he produced many of Chekhov's plays and developed an innovative method of acting that emphasizes the psychological motivation of the actor.
5·The purpose of this paper is that to explore an innovative method to analysis volatile components in the different ginger extracts and to identify the volatile components and their contents.
6·This new innovative method relies on material dissolution to avoid the need to mill out plugs. During fracturing, the new method follows the isolation process of the plug and Perforate technique.
7·The study of design pattern reuse method is a very important fundamental and innovative study.
8·The experiments show that the phase scanning method is right and innovative and the ability of the sub-nanometer space increment is reached.
9·The method can reduce stylebook , ensure the fault rate and it is innovative.
10·Innovative idea method is to get in touch with mutually, to apply synthetically.